Saturday, August 4, 2012

Good news everyone!

Yes, yes that's a reference to Prof. Farnsworth from Futurama...But aside from that, there really is good news right now.  Looks like my program is loading the xml files, and saving them in the proper format that it needs.  :-)  I also set it up to delete objects, create new levels, delete levels, and change the name of levels.  This makes things pretty freaking awesome in my opinion.  I also set up a moveable camera as well that when you right click (right now it's set up for anywhere on the screen.  o_O), it moves the camera around in an inverted direction.  So you move down, the camera moves up, move left, it moves right, that sort of thing...:-)

So that knocks a bunch of stuff off my list of things to do.  Now I need to start creating the classes for each unique object.  I also found a work around for a few things, which is excellent.  Things like setting up extra objects within objects, and drawing them...for instance, on the camera, I added a GUIText object from the GUI editor, and made it draw the position on the screen with a draw method for the camera.  Gives me some good ideas for how to set the game up further.

Also, the camera moves strictly within the limits of the level.  It doesn't go outside, which is good for side scrolling platformers.  :-)

Anyway, I think I'm gonna go play Katamari Forever now...bwahaha!  JUST KEEP ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN YEAH!

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