Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I'll be working on an update over the course of the day.  We seem to have acquired an invaluable asset, an artist, Summer.  I'll be posting about her on here eventually with a description of her, and her credentials for this project.

Anyway, I already have one update, but it hasn't quite been tested enough, and fixed properly.  I'll be working on updating the Menus, and their positions.  I would also like to update the program to have mods for each weapon, and will be working on that over time.  I also want to have an inventory UI show up in the next week or two if possible.  If anything it will be a black screen with white writing about player info.  :-P  I also need to update the exit functionality of the program, escape doesn't close the whole game, it just loads the screen that tab currently loads.  It's a fairly simple process.

There will also be save points in the game, rather than having an auto save feature that works with every room. I want to make a save station of sorts, think Metroid, but more of them...I think having a save station, as well as a health and ammo station where you can save would be nice.  Maybe just checkpoints.  I will figure it out eventually :-P

Also, check out the latest song of the day, I got Swedish House Mafia up on the left hand side.  Excellent song.  :-)

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