Monday, July 9, 2012

I won't stop believin'!

I love today's song of the's a good version.  I still absolutely love the original Journey song though...Journey was amazing.  Anyway, I have some organizational road blocks that I've got to figure out.  Fortunately I can wait a bit before actually needing to worry about them.  I'm focusing on getting the GUI to work, along with a series of test states that are changed based on GUI buttons, check boxes, and what have you...

I'm really trying to get this to work, I'd like to get an options menu that changes the preferred width/height of the screen, as well as adjusts full screen.  And then based on whether you cancel or apply/accept, it will change the screen.  :-)  Once I get that down, I'll need to be able to switch to the main game mode and load up the main level.

So, once I get the high level GUI objects working and the state switching, I'll start working on mid level to high level object design.  I already have the diagram of all the scene object classes drawn up, just need to implement them and their methods.  I have some kind of organization to this, which is nice, and I'm sure that once everything's written down, it'll be a bit easier to know what to do, and how to do it.  Anyway, that's it for now, later!

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