Monday, July 2, 2012

Good news!

Alright, so the good news is...I finally have a direction with my program!  It's very exciting for me, and looks to be a very unique idea.  A steampunk platformer RPG with custom weapon creation!  :-D  Very very very very distant from the original idea, but I want to use this as my final project, so it will need to be different.  And I think that as Eric noted before, it would probably be best if we lived nearby to actually get a game rolling...we just don't have the right type of communication online for a group project, and we get easily distracted with video games.

Either way, I've been working on the project documents, got a few class diagrams done, and a decent GDD.  If you don't have the link you're SOL, cause I'm not posting it on a very public area.  Thhbbbbbbbt! for any updates on the program...It's still alive and mostly kicking.  Currently just sitting there staring at the user and drooling, but alive.  Comatose perhaps, but alive.  I just have to add on some flesh, and perhaps a few organs here and there.  I don't want it to reproduce though, so it will be immediately neutered, boy or girl...Yes this may stunt its growth and give it a fairly high pitched voice, but it'll do the function it's supposed to do dammit!

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